April 07, 2021
“Interactive Teaching” is a program to learn about active learning and how to teach, run at the University of Tokyo. It is now available on Coursera*. Interactive Teaching | Coursera
It is a program to learn about basic knowledge and skills necessary for teaching, such as class design, course design, active learning methods, and evaluation methods. You can learn at your own pace.
The program is intended for graduate students and faculty as well as everyone involved in teaching, such as elementary, junior high, and high school teachers and people in charge of human resources development at private corporations. Please check both websites, and we look forward to your enrollment.
An additional fee is necessary for a certificate. Otherwise, access to all course materials is free.
Interactive Teaching | The University of Tokyo
* [Coursera]
Coursera is an online course where you can acquire skills and earn degrees online from the world’s top universities and companies. Coursera | Build Skills with Online Courses from Top Institutions It partners with more than 200 leading universities and companies and provides individuals and organizations worldwide with a wide variety of learning opportunities, such as practical projects/courses and programs issuing job-relevant certificates or academic degrees.