“The University of Tokyo’s Coursera website” “edX UTokyoX website”
Online courses available for everyone to use.

Features of UTokyo MOOC

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are courses shared on the Internet that people can take inexpensively or free of charge. Participants from across the world carry out their studies through class videos, online tests, and other methods. Courses last a few weeks or months, and a certificate will be issued to those who pass the course by achieving certain grades.

In addition to edX and Coursera, provided in English, platforms that offer courses in other languages, such as JMOOC in Japan, have become available since 2012. UTokyo is the first to launch courses on Coursera in Japan, starting with two in September 2013, and now offers 22 courses (10 on Coursera and 12 on edX) as of November 2023.

UTokyo Massive Open Online Courses(MOOC)