UTokyo OCW


UTokyo OCW provides lecture materials and videos used in the regular courses of the University of Tokyo freely available for anyone. It is one of the “Opening of the Gates of Knowledge” programs at the University.

What is UTokyo OCW?

UTokyo OCW

OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an online publication of lecture materials and videos used in the regular courses of universities and other higher education institutions for free. The University of Tokyo began the activity in 2005, and since then has provided lecture materials and videos used in the regular courses for free to anyone including those outside the University.

The contents of OCW not only serve as educational materials for students to learn by themselves but can also be used by faculty members as their teaching materials.

One of the features unique to UTokyo OCW is a function (MIMA Search) that allows users to gain a visual understanding of how each lecture is connected to others. In addition, there is a function currently being trialed through which users can look for videos using keywords automatically extracted from the audio.
Some lectures are also available through UTokyo OCWx , where they have been re-edited into short clips.

We hope our service could be helpful to you in your learning/teaching.


  • Over 1,400 lecture materials and videos used in the regular courses of the University of Tokyo are available (as of July 2020).
  • Anyone can view/use the resources free of charge.
  • Contents can be viewed with smartphones and tablets.
  • Various functions: My List function, keyword searches, and visual displays of the connections between lectures via MIMA Search.
  • The resources can be used as educational and teaching materials under our Creative Commons License (Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works).

News from Daifuku-chan

Daifuku-chan, the mascot character of UTokyo OCW, uses this blog to introduce the “Guide of UTokyo OCW” which includes interesting lectures available on UTokyo OCW and convenient ways to make use of the website.

News from Daifuku-chan

Our mascot character, Daifuku-chan

For UTokyo faculty members who would like to publish their lectures on UTokyo OCW

Publishing your lecture materials and videos online via UTokyo OCW enables many different people, both inside and outside of the University, to access your lectures.
The published contents can become useful learning materials for your students to prepare for classes and review afterward.
You can also utilize these resources for on-demand online classes and flipped classrooms.
They will be extremely useful for student learning before and after the classes.

Please click the following link for more information:

For UTokyo faculty members who would like to publish their lectures on UTokyo OCW