The University of Tokyo’s e-learning materials are open to anyone who needs them. They are available for a variety of uses such as preparing for and reviewing classes, improving skills, and lifelong education.
The University of Tokyo’s e-learning materials are open to anyone who needs them. They are available for a variety of uses such as preparing for and reviewing classes, improving skills, and lifelong education.
Online courses provided by UTokyo MOOC are open to anyone from across the world. Participants can carry out their studies through class videos, online tests, and other methods. Courses last a few weeks or months, and a certificate will be issued to those who pass the course by achieving certain grades.
The eLF (e-Learning Forum) is a learning management system based on CANVAS, providing educational/research resources of the University of Tokyo as learning materials.
The following are online learning materials that help you freely enjoy learning. The videos of regular courses at the University of Tokyo are available at UTokyo OCW; you can watch them whenever, wherever, and as much as you like. Filmed open lectures and seminars are available on UTokyo TV.
UTokyo OCW provides lecture materials and videos used in the regular courses of the University of Tokyo freely available for anyone. It is one of the “Opening of the Gates of Knowledge” programs at the University.
UTokyo TV offers videos of events held at the University of Tokyo, such as open lectures and seminars. All videos are open to the public for free.
Enjoy learning with our huge collection of videos based on research and educational activities at the University of Tokyo!