May 25, 2023

Renewal of the UTokyo TV Website

  1. Other
  2. Japanese Page

We are pleased to announce the renewal of the UTokyo TV website.

The new URL is as follows:
(If you access the former URL, you will be redirected to the new website.)

UTokyo TV is the official website of the University of Tokyo, providing you with a wide variety of videos on open lectures and seminars held at the University.
It is open to anyone for free without creating an account.

Many people have visited our website and YouTube channel from inside and outside the University; the number of our YouTube subscribers exceeded 100,000 in 2022.

On the renewal, we further improved the search function, enabling you to find videos that interest you out of abundant resources. Enjoy learning with our huge collection of videos created from research and educational activities at the University of Tokyo!

UTokyo TV accepts applications for publishing your videos.
For more details, please click here. (Please note that you need to access the website with an ECCS Cloud Email account.)