Publication date:2021.10.18
Schedule | 2021.10.19 |
Area | Online |
Place | Zoom Meeting style |
Target Audience | Students / Undergraduate Students / Graduate Students / Faculty / Employees / Postdocs / New Instructors |
Organizer | The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program |
Tag |
The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to the lecture which will be held on Tuesday, October 19th.
The theme is “An Introduction to Supporting Students with Autism in Higher Education”. Guest speaker will be Ms.Alison Taylor (P.h.D).
The content of the session will explore how we think about difference, with a focus on autism. The session is built around three simple questions which can be used to identify supportive strategies and adjustments:
What do we see? Why do we see it? How can we support it?
The presentation then details ways of understanding individual differences among the autistic student community to tailor support to meet their individual needs.
Details about the workshop are listed below:
Title: An Introduction to Supporting Students with Autism in Higher Education
Date: Tue, October 19th, 17:00-19:00 (JST)
Place: Zoom Meeting style
Event page:
Eligibility: All faculty, staff and students welcome!
Registration: Encouraged with the link: Registration
(Link will be sent to all registered participants the day before the workshop)
Language: English and Japanese
* Simultaneous translation (English to Japanese) will be available.
Admission: Free
Inquiries: GFD committee