日程 | 2019年12月13日 |
エリア | 本郷 |
場所 | 伊藤国際学術研究センター地下1階 ギャラリー1 |
対象者 | 学院生 / 教員 / ポスドク |
主催 | 大学総合教育研究センター |
タグ | FDPAGE英語ポスドク大学院生教員新任教員 |
これから英語での授業を実践される方は,14時からのTeaching in Englishワークショップ(入門編)をぜひ受講してください。
We are happy to announce that our latest workshop on teaching in English is now ready for your application!
The globalization of higher education in Japan has led to an increasing number of overseas students and the implementation of programs that enable students to earn their degrees by taking courses delivered entirely in English.
In this workshop, Dr. Michal Mazur from Hokkaido University will focus on the shift of universities in the age of globalization and a wide variety of elements related to teaching in English. We will also examine how to improve the respective classes of the participants through discussion and the sharing of good practices and opinions.
This workshop is intended for those who already have experience of teaching in English. For those who are less experienced but are planning to teach in English, we recommend that you join our workshop for beginners held on the same day starting at 14:00.
We look forward to welcoming you!
北海道大学高等教育推進機構新渡戸カレッジ大学院教育コース特任助教 マズル・ミハウ (MAZUR Michal) 氏
Instructor: Dr. Michal Mazur
Assistant Professor, Nitobe College for Graduate Students, Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Hokkaido University
ごあいさつ・趣旨説明 / Introduction
17:00~17:25 Introduction + Ice Breaking
17:25~17:55 What is Emi? / What is an Effective Teacher?
18:00~18:25 Work session
18:25~18:55 Improving communication in the classroom
まとめ・アンケート実施等 / Concluding Remarks and Questionnaires
日時 / Time
Friday, December 13, 2019, 17:00-19:00
場所 / Venue
本郷キャンパス 伊藤国際学術研究センター地下1階 ギャラリー1
Gallery 1, B1, Ito International Research Center, Hongo Campus
対象 / Requirements for application
Participation is limited to those who study or work as instructors at UTokyo. The participation of doctoral students, postdocs, and other academics who already have experience of teaching in English is highly encouraged.
定員 / Capacity of participants
20(Applicants will be selected on a random basis.)
申込方法・申込締切 / Application details
*Closing date: Sunday, December 10th, 2019, 23:59
言語 / Language
英語 English
持ち物 / Note
Please bring a pen and paper to the workshop.
参加費 / Registration fee
無料 Free
お問合せ先 / Contact
東京大学 大学総合教育研究センター 高等教育推進部門 PAGE担当
E-mail: page-ea*he.u-tokyo.ac.jp(*を@に書き換えて送信してください)
PAGE, Division for Quality Enhancement of Higher Education, Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo
E-mail:page-ea[at]* he.u-tokyo.ac.jp (*Replace [at] with @.)