日程 | 2019年11月30日 〜 2020年01月11日 |
エリア | 駒場 |
場所 | 1KOMCEE WEST K401 |
対象者 | 学院生 / ポスドク / 新任教員 |
主催 | 大学総合教育研究センター |
タグ | FD英語駒場本郷 |
We are happy to announce that our latest workshops on English for Academics are now ready for your application! For this fiscal year, the workshops will take place twice on Komaba and Hongo campuses.
There is a growing need to emphasize the skills in delivering presentations and lectures in English for building one’s academic career.
Nowadays, the skills at teaching in English are requirements for many academic jobs.
This workshop focuses on logical structuring of lectures and presentations in English, effective use of English expressions, and techniques for answering questions in English. An instructor from British Council offers you an interactive and practical training program which enables you to acquire the skills at delivering lectures and presentations in a more comprehensible and effective way.
We look forward to welcoming you!
講師 ブリティッシュ・カウンシル専任講師 アンディ・ドラウト (Andy Drought) 氏
Instructor: Andy Drought (British Council)
ごあいさつ・趣旨説明 / Introduction
10:00~11:30 レッスン1:準備と構成 ~アイデアの準備から論理的な構成まで~ / Lesson 1: Organization and Structure
11:45~13:15 レッスン2:一貫性 ~効果的な始めかた、終わりかた~ / Lesson 2: Coherence
昼食休憩 / Lunch Break
14:15~15:45 レッスン3:ビジュアルを使う ~ビジュアル利用のガイドライン~ / Lesson 3: Using Visuals
16:00~17:30 レッスン4:実際に行う ~強調表現とボディランゲージ~ / Lesson 4: Delivery
まとめ・アンケート実施等 / Concluding Remarks and Questionnaires
日時・場所 / Time & Venue
*Please note that both workshops are identical.
対象 / Requirements for application
Participation is limited to those who study or work at UTokyo. Participation of doctoral students, postdocs and other early-career academics is highly encouraged.
定員 / Capacity of participants
12 per day(Applicants will be selected on a random basis.)
申込方法・申込締切 / Application details
Please access the URL below.
言語 / Language
*Intermediate level of English is required. (The workshop is held by an instructor whose first language is English, and it proceeds in an interactive style using English.)
持ち物 / Note
Please bring a pen and paper to the workshop.
参加費 / Registration fee
お問合せ先 / Contact
東京大学大学総合教育研究センター 高等教育推進部門 PAGE担当
E-mail: page-ea*tree.ep.u-tokyo.ac.jp(*を@に書き換えて送信してください
PAGE, Division for Quality Enhancement of Higher Education, Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo
E-mail:page-ea[at]* tree.ep.u-tokyo.ac.jp (*Replace [at] with @.)