
【3月15日開催】グローバル人材育成ワークショップ 「国際的な気候変動レジーム: それは問題を解決するのか?」

  1. 学内限定
  2. 申込要
日程 2021年03月15日
エリア オンライン
場所 Zoomでの開催
対象者 学生 / 学部生 / 学院生 / 教員 / ポスドク
主催 グローバルFD部門

東京大学駒場のグローバルFD部門の主催で、The Fridtjof Nansen Institute(ノルウェー)Steiner Andresen教授
The Fridtjof Nansen Instituteは、北極海探査で有名なフリチョフ・ナンセンの名を冠する‎国際環境・エネルギー・
資源管理の政治・法律に関する研究を行う財団(The Fridtjof Nansen Foundation)の研究機関。‎

講演名:「国際的な気候変動レジーム: それは問題を解決するのか?」
日 時:
場 所: Zoomでの開催   https://forms.gle/zaS2S3F3yXqaLB8w5でご登録下さい。

18:00-18:05 イントロダクション
18:05-18:50 プレゼンテーション
18:50-19:00 休憩
19:00-19:30 質疑応答

内 容:

対 象:東京大学の教職員・学生など
言 語:英語と日本語(英語→日本語への同時通訳を予定)

お問い合わせ先: 東京大学Global Faculty Development Program事務局

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to our workshop which will be held on Monday, March 15th.
Guest speaker will be Prof. Steinar Andresen, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway. He will lecture on international climate change issues.

*The Fridtjof Nansen Institute – FNI is an independent foundation engaged in research on international environmental, energy and resource management politics and law.
FNI is the research arm of The Fridtjof Nansen Foundation which is named after Frichov Nansen, famous for his Arctic ocean exploration,

Details about the workshop are listed below:

Title: The international climate regime: will it solve the problem?
Date: Monday, March 15th from 6:00-7:30pm (JST)
Place: Zoom Meeting style
Registration: Encouraged with the link below
(Link will be sent to all registered participants the day before the workshop)

Program: 18:00-18:05: Introduction
18:05-18:50: Presentation
18:50-19:00: Break
19:00-19:30: Q&A

Contents:We will cover the following:
・Diplomats have negotiated intensely for 30 years to deal with this
problem, but emissions have continued to rise. Will the Paris Agreement contribute to increase effectiveness?
・What has been the role and influence of key actors in the process, states and non-state actors alike and what is the prospect for the future?
・This topic and approach is key for students to understand the possibilities and limitations of what can be achieved through global environmental governance.

Eligibility: All faculty, staff, and students welcome!
Language: English and Japanese
* Simultaneous translation (English to Japanese) will be available.
Admission: Free

Inquiries: GFD committee
e-mail: global.fd@adm.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp